
RLS provides advanced sensor solutions for irrigation systems, ploughs, cultivators, seeders and other crop production equipment.


In agricultural machinery, the need for precision and automation will continue to grow in the future to ensure optimal plant development with reliable yields and good quality, while reducing the use of pesticides and fertilisers.

RLS magnetic encoders provide reliable, precise and cost-efficient solutions for agricultural applications. Non-contact technology and IP68 environmental protection, extended operating temperature and easy installation with low maintenance cost are the main features for these demanding applications.

Why RLS magnetic encoders?


  • Reliability
  • Precision
  • Extreme working conditions


  • Good price-performance ratio
  • Industry standard absolute or incremental output options
  • High reliability
  • IP68 environmental protection
  • Extended operating temperature
  • Robust design
  • Easy installation

ROBI’: A Prototype Mobile Manipulator for Agricultural Applications

ROBI’ is a prototype small-sized mobile manipulator for agricultural applications, whose aim is to support the development and testing of innovative perception and control algorithms. As such a small vehicle, equipped with a couple of half a meter long arms, can operate on many different crops, ranging from vineyards to herbaceous plants, the main geometrical features of the robot, i.e., ground clearance, track, wheelbase, should be easily adaptable.

A Prototype Mobile Manipulator for Agricultural Applications