RMB28 / RMF44 / RMF58 encoder modules are designed for direct integration to high volume OEM applications. The low cost 28 mm square PCB can also be provided with a connector for easy installation.
RMB28 / RMF44 / RMF58 can be used in a wide range of applications including motor control and industrial automation.
- 28 mm square module
- 44 mm flange option
- Absolute - to 14 bit resolution (16,384 counts per revolution)
- 24 V and 5 V power supply versions
- High speed operation to 60,000 rpm
- Up to 64 poles for commutation
- Low cost for OEM integration
- Industry standard absolute, incremental, analogue and linear output formats
- Accuracy to ±0.5°
- RoHS compliant