성공 사례
저희는 글로벌 시장 요구에 부응하기 위해 첨단 로터리 및 리니어 모션 센서를 설계, 생산 및 공급합니다.

Compact and precise: RLS encoders powering MiR AMRs
RoLin and OnAxis encoders help ensure precise position information in AMRs while compacting the system.

Pioneering pediatric exoskeletons with high-precision encoders
The RE:HOME project uses AksIM-2 encoders to enhance exoskeletons for children with cerebral palsy, enabling natural movement and precise rehabilitation.

Transforming Lives with RLS Magnetic Encoders in Bionic Prostheses
RLS encoders enhance the performance of Revival Bionics' foot prostheses, enabling smooth, natural movement for below-knee amputees.

Magnetic encoders help maximize the efficiency and safety of Sparkfield fitness device
Sparkfield enhances its robotic fitness device with RLS AksIM-2 encoders, ensuring precise, safe, and adaptive strength training.

Enhancing building performance: The role of magnetic encoders in active mass dampers
CALMFLOOR uses RLS encoders to mitigate floor vibrations without structural alterations, enhancing building performance and sustainability in repurposed spaces.

RLS provides the best price-performance magnetic encoders for Wavedrive solutions
RLS encoders in Wavedrive solutions provide cost-effective, high-performance position feedback for custom precision drives and medical devices.

Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare uses RLS encoders to build world-class medical equipment
UIH leverages RLS encoders in its CT scanners to achieve high-speed, precise imaging, enhancing diagnostic capabilities globally.

How RLS Magnetic Encoders are Revolutionising the Electric Motor Industry
Zero Motorcycles integrates RLS sensors to optimize motor control and extend range, improving the reliability and efficiency of their electric vehicles.

RLS encoders and Renishaw help place Dynisma in pole position
Dynisma uses RLS encoders to achieve low-latency motion simulation, providing realistic driver feedback essential for automotive and motorsport applications.

RLS Sensors – a Crucial Part of a VR Simulator and Aerobatic Aircraft Hybrid
AFormX employs RLS encoders in its hybrid aerobatic flight simulators, offering advanced pilot training with precise control feedback.

PAL Robotics, 마그네틱 엔코더 기술 통합으로 로봇 균형 유지
RLS encoders help PAL Robotics achieve balance and precision in humanoid robots, enhancing their functionality in dynamic environments.

Renishaw와 RLS, 로봇 분야의 혁신 주도
TQ-RoboDrive integrates RLS encoders in its ultra-light, high-torque motors for compact, efficient robotic applications.

Project MARCH, 척수손상 환자의 이동을 보조할 외골격 기구 제작
RLS encoders ensure precise joint control in Project MARCH's exoskeletons, aiding individuals with spinal cord injuries in mobility and independence.

웨이퍼 이송 로봇의 신뢰성을 높여주는 마그네틱 엔코더
RLS encoders are integral to RND's wafer transfer robots, ensuring precision and reliability in semiconductor manufacturing processes.

가상현실 ??? 정확하고 반복 가능한 RLS 및 Renishaw 엔코더를 통한 아름다운 시각 기술
Power Plus employs RLS encoders for precise camera positioning in VR setups, enhancing live virtual broadcasts with seamless integration.

마그네틱 엔코더로 크기와 속도 문제 해결
RLS encoders in microrobots provide the accuracy and speed necessary for competing in and winning autonomous maze-solving contests.

Marsi Bionics는 RLS 마그네틱 엔코더를 통해 인생을 바꿔 주는 착용형 외골격 로봇이 되었습니다
Marsi Bionics uses RLS encoders in exoskeletons to provide accurate, dynamic movement support for children and adults with mobility impairments.

3DHISTECH 현미경에 RLS 엔코더 사용
3DHISTECH integrates RLS encoders in its digital slide scanners to increase throughput and accuracy in large pathology labs.