Knowledge center
With over 30 years of experience, RLS is the source of research and perspective for innovations in sensor technology. The content of this section provides a deep context to help engineers and technology enthusiasts make wise decisions.

Encoder Handbook
The magnetic encoder technology is covered in detail, focusing on how an encoder works, the different ways to measure position, and the key points you should keep in mind to make it work for you for years to come.

You do not know where to start? Take a look at our current questions and answers section, where you can find answers and get the help you need.

Are you wondering whether your application is suitable for magnetic encoders? Read our application research, case studies and customer testimonials to see how your application can benefit from magnetic encoders.

Success stories
Our encoders play an important role in various applications that involve motion control. They can be used in industry to control repetitive tasks, in high-precision prototyping, and even in robots that work with humans.

Student projects
RLS encoders can be used in many different ways, and because they are easy to install, they are used in many interesting student applications. We support students in their educational STEM projects, that aim to discover and awaken the next generation of engineers.