RLS is proud to announce its participation in the 2nd Slovenian Conference on Chips and Semiconductors, SLO-Chip 2024. The event, took place on January 24th at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Electrical Engineering, serves as a melting pot for industry experts and innovators in semiconductor technology.


Exhibition SPS/IPC/Drives 2021 : What is new from RLS

2021年11月23日 CET上午9時20分05秒

Since the exhibition SPS (Nuremberg, Germany) has been canceled, we have decided to present our new product innovations to you online - via our website.


Dora Domajnko 在盧布亞納坎卡中心的典禮上獲選為斯洛維尼亞首位年度女工程師。這名任職於 Renishaw 關聯公司 RLS 的開發工程師是年輕人的出色典範,因此獲得這項殊榮。頒發此獎項的單位是 Let’s Be Engineers!,此單位倡議並鼓勵更多年輕人考慮選擇工程設計做為其職業生涯。


里斯本 Mag-ID 專案聯盟合作夥伴會議

2021年11月8日 CET上午9時39分47秒

In October 2021, the RLS team of scientists, engineers and the project manager from Mag-ID participated in the consortium partners meeting hosted by Inesc in Lisbon. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the latest results of the Mag-ID project, to strengthen the cooperation between the parties and to search for new solutions in an open discussion.


The world-renowned manufacturer of magnetic encoders for motion control in robots and autonomous mobile vehicles, RLS today announced the opening of its new subsidiary - RLS Nordic - in Denmark. This expansion marks the company's focus on supporting customers in the region, which is a leader in robotics development and adoption in Europe.


RLS 新冠病毒聲明

2020年11月12日 CET下午1時04分16秒

COVID-19 疫情爆發且相關措施實施後,RLS d.o.o. 已於內部執行業務與全球供應鏈的風險評估,並確認元件與材料庫存/存貨充足且供應鏈正常運作,因此生產作業或已排定的交貨時程可望不會受到干擾。


全新 RLS 網站

2020年9月21日 CEST下午12時46分00秒

RLS 徹底重塑其線上佈局。全新網站以訪客為中心,透過簡單好用、結構清楚的新穎首頁來迎接所有訪客。


RLS 在 COVID-19 疫情期間持續支援客戶

2020年3月24日 CET上午11時53分00秒

近期 COVID-19 疫情爆發且相關措施實施後,RLS d.o.o. 已於內部執行業務與全球供應鏈的風險評估,並確認元件與材料庫存/存貨充足且供應鏈正常運作,因此生產作業或已排定的交貨時程可望不會受到干擾。
